Uric acid and joints pain
Health care

Uric acid and joints pain

Many people nowadays suffer from arthritis. Many people take this issue lightly. But more often than not, the problem can lead to serious illness. Uric acid and joints pain are closely related. When uric acid levels in the body increase, joint pain or flatulence can occur. Uric acid is formed when a chemical called purine is formed in the body and the body breaks it down into smaller pieces. In such cases, when the amount of purine increases, it means that the kidneys are weakening in the process of filtering.…

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Sugar and Arthritis
Health care

Sugar Consumption and Arthritis

Is there any relation between Sugar Consumption and Arthritis ? To know more, read this article. Generally patients with arthritis are advised not to eat Sugar or at least to reduce its consumption considerably. Excessive intake of sugar may cause swelling in the joints of the body. This in turn increases the risk of arthritis. Be careful if you have arthritis problems and constant swelling of the body. This is because it may be a sign of increased sugar levels in your body. Numerous studies have shown that patients with…

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