Health care

Pain Relief Ayurvedic balm “OrthAyu”

OrthAyu is an Ayurvedic Pain relief balm formulated to tackle all kinds of pain even arthritis. The balm contain 17 effective herbal oils. Few of these oils are Nilgiri Oil, Castor Oil, AjowanSatva, PudinaSatva, Olive Oil, Myrtle Oil. These oils have a natural and proven properties to relieve pain. The herbal oils have medicinal and therapeutic properties to relieve sprains, spasms, muscle pains, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, joint pain, back pain and other related pain. Arthritis is becoming common Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis are common ailments among middle-aged and old people.…

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Health care

Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis | ORTHAYU

Swelling and inflammation of a bone joint in the body which is causing pain and stiffness is generally termed as Arthritis. As the above definition suggest,  its most common signs and symptoms are related with the joints. Depending on its type , signs and symptoms may vary. But generally they are : Signs and symptoms Any movement involving joints will cause a brief pain in that joint. Initially the pain might not be very acute and consistent and hence one generally ignores it leading to escalation. One will notice a…

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Health care

Natural Ayurvedic Solution for Addiction – Nasha Band

In the event that you cherish somebody who is a heavy drinker, or you are battling with your very own liquor issue, you might be keen on the procedure of liquor detoxification. Liquor withdrawal indications can run from awkward to perilous. This is contingent upon the seriousness of the dependence, and detoxification can help with this procedure. One needs an ayurvedic solution for addiction. Alcohol detoxification is essentially disposing of liquor from the body. It is also about giving restorative help to the manifestations of withdrawal that go with this procedure.…

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Health care


Have you ever asked yourself? “I am sick and tired of the addiction.” “I wanted to quit.” However, it is very difficult for you to come out of it directly without any medical supervisor. Let us first understand the term “addiction”. Addiction is a brain disorder. It can affect the brain to work abnormally. The changes in the brain’s functioning can cause a problems with a person’s behavior. Why it is a brain disorder ? As addiction is a brain disorder, an addict might be moody. (S)He can face certain…

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Health care

Nasha Band – Ayurvedic solution for Addiction

Nasha Band is an Ayurvedic solution for Addiction, it helps to keep away from addiction to addicted people. However it’s made from Ayurvedic Products, natural herbs it has no side effect. What is addiction ? Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming any substance or to stop any activity, which is causing physical or mental damage to the addict. Sometimes an addict even realizes that he/she has to get rid of a particular habit which is ruining his life steadily, day by day, but the attraction of…

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Health care

Top 5 Home Remedies for Drug Addiction

Below are the best home remedies for drug addiction. A person who is facing addiction must try these if (S)He has enough will. Meditation Many Researchers studied that the effects of meditation helps measurably in reducing the physiological triggers of drug addictions. Meditation helps in care and attentiveness of emotionally thoughts and feelings; it triggers the positive energy into mastering your feelings and avoiding negative encounters or stress that outcome in drug abuse. Caffeine   Many people think of caffeine as a drug, of course in some ways it is a…

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Health care


One of the major characteristics of addiction is that it doesn’t just affect your body and physical health; it has the ability to take over all areas of your life. Physical Effects Depending on the addiction it will change your body and brain physically.  The someone who is addicted needs his or her drug just to feel a normal being. Since addicts need their medication of decision to feel ordinary, they will start to deceive everyone around them trying to conceal their habit. Due to their addiction they may miss…

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Health care

4 Best Natural remedies to treat Joint Pain

When joint pains occur, the first solution we think about is a pain reliever and we rely on pain-killers. Joint pain hampers our day to day work and doesn’t allow our body to work properly.  Here are the 4 best natural remedies to treat joint pain. Treating it with ice and heat is a good option but now when you are in a hurry, so you think the best way to deal with it is by popping a pain-killer. But if you are concerned about side effects, then you should…

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safely and naturally eliminate Joint Pain
Health care

How to safely and naturally eliminate Joint Pain

Joint pain can start as early as your 20s if you grew up playing sports. Regardless of what your lifestyle may look like, taking care of your joints should be a high priority. This article gives information about how to eliminate joint pain naturally.  It starts with regular activities Cleaning the house, playing with the kids, training sessions and aerobic classes every week can really take a toll on your joints. If you exercise regularly and suffer from joint pain, then you may notice your performance starting to suffer. Athlete…

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